Home > Marg Book > Bills > How to Enable Bill Discount and Item Discount in Purchase bill in Marg Books ?
Overview of Bill Discount and Item Discount in Purchase Bill in Marg Books
Process to Enable Bill Discount in Purchase Bill in Marg Books
Process to Enable Item Discount in Purchase Bill in Marg Books
Overview Of Bill Discount And Item Discount In Purchase Bill In Marg Books
This option in Marg Books enables the user to apply for different kind of discounts like Item Discount (discount on item/product), Bill Discount (discount on total bill value), etc.
Process To Enable Bill Discount In Purchase Bill In Marg Books
a. Bill Discount: Tick the Check box to enable bill discount.
b. Ask Bill Discount in Amount: If the user requires to give a 'Bill Discount' in amount then put a Tick in Check Box otherwise keep it as 'Blank'.
After following the above steps, the user can view that Bill discount will get enabled in % and amount in Purchase bill in Marg Books.
Process To Enable Item Discount In Purchase Bill In Marg Books
a. Item Discount: The user will put a Tick in the Check box to enable 'Item Discount'.
b. Item Discount2: If the user requires to give two 'Item Discount' then the user will put a Tick in Check Box otherwise keep it as 'Blank'.
After following the above steps, the user can view that Item discount will get enabled in Purchase bill in Marg Books.