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How to view Purchase Analysis Report in Marg Books ?


  • Firstly Click  on 'Report'.

  • A 'Combined Report' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Inventory Report'.

  • The user will click on 'Purchase Analysis'.

  • A 'Purchase Analysis' window will appear.

a. Select Date Range: The user can select the basis for date as per the requirement. Suppose select 'This Year'.

b. Template: The user can select the template of the already created purchase analysis report.

c. Report Type: The user can select the report type whether to be generate report in Summary/Detail as per the requirement. Suppose select 'Detail'.

d. Criteria: The user can select the criteria on which report needs to be generate and can select particular criteria by clicking on 'Blank'. Suppose select 'Party Wise'.

e. And: The user can select the different criteria of the report on which it needs to be generated 

h. More Options: The user will place the check mark against it and select the filters as per the requirement.

1. Operator: If the user needs to view the report of selected user then select it from the dropdown other wise select 'All users'. Suppose select 'All users'.

2. Include: If the user needs to view the report including Purchase Challan & Debit Note then user can select it from the dropdown. 

Click on 'Ok'.

  • A 'Confirmation' window will appear with an alert 'Do You Want to Save This Criteria Template?'.

  • The user can select 'Yes' to save the created criteria or else select 'No'.
  •  Suppose select 'No'.


  • A 'Purchase Report' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Export' icon to export the report in the selected format.

  • An 'Export' window will appear.
  • In 'File Name', the user will mention the name of the report.
  • In 'File Type', the user will select the format in which the report needs to be exported.
  • Suppose select 'Excel'.

  • The user will click on 'Save'.

After following the above steps, the Purchase Analysis report will be exported in the excel format.

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