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What is the process of Other charges (Additional Ledger) in Sale Order in Marg Books ?



In order to add Other charges (Additional Ledger) in Sale Order in Marg Books, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Sale >> Order (+).

  • A 'Sale Order' window will appear then click on Settings’ icon.

A 'Sale Order Settings' window will appear.

In ‘Cursor wait on Additional Ledgers in Billing’ optionthe user will select the options as per the requirement.

1. Wait on Tab:  Select this option, If the user needs to add other charges only through 'Tab' key.

2. Yes: Select this option, If the user needs to add other charges while saving the sale bill.

Suppose select 'Wait on Tab'.


  • Then press 'ESC' key to save the changes.

  • Press 'Tab' key to save the bill.

  • Now the cursor will move over the other head where the user will press 'Space bar' key.

  • Press 'Enter' key to select the ledger of the expenses/other charges.
  • Suppose select 'Freight'.

  • Then mention the amount or percentage (%) of the expense.
  • Suppose mention '10%'.

  • Now click on 'Save' to save the transaction.

After following the above steps, the user can add other charges in the sale order in Marg Books.

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