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How to view company wise stock status in eRetail app ?



In eRetail app, the user can view the company wise stock status of the selected supplier according to the requirement. In order to view company wise stock status, the user will follow the below steps: 

  • Firstly, Open eRetail App.
  • Click on 'New Order'.

    • Select 'Single Supplier'.

    • Thereafter, the all the supplier list will appear. Click on the selected supplier.
    • Suppose, Select 'MARG ERP LTD.'.

    • Then click on 'Stock Status'.

    • Now the user will click on 'Company' to filter company wise item.

    • The user will select or search the company according to the requirement.
    • Suppose, select 'E. MERK PVT. LTD'.

    After following the above steps, the selected company stock status will get displayed.

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