Collection refers to the process of gathering or receiving payments in the form of cash from customers, clients, or other parties. Through eOrder App the user can view the collection summary and can also print it.
The integration of the eBusiness App with Marg Software simplifies the supply chain and order management processes for retailers, distributors, and manufacturers.
Utilizing the eOwner App, users can access stock details, track sales personnel, and view outstanding balances for parties, thereby streamlining business operations.
In E Order App if an error stating 'User ID and password do not exist' occurs during the app login, users can easily resolve this issue.
If the user fails to input the company ID in the app and receives an alert stating that the company ID does not exist, resolving this issue is easily achievable.
Using the eOrder App allows you to receive product orders from customers, which seamlessly synchronize with the software. This enables users to effortlessly transform orders into invoices.
The E-order app facilitates salesmen in seamlessly collecting their outstanding amounts, whether in cash or through checks, allowing them to directly manage and gather outstanding payments.
The Salesman is the sales representative or salesperson, is an individual who is responsible for selling products or services on behalf of a company or organization.
In Marg Software the user can Manage, Control & Improve your salesmen efficiency in e-order App. It also increase Sales revenue by using Push Sale Concept.
If at the time of open app shows data has been deleted then user can try this fixes to resolve this issue.1. Firstly, the user needs to Run Server.exe2. The user needs to clear data of app from the mobile by following the below steps: Go to Mobile settings > Apps > App manager. An App