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How to Download and Install eRetail / eOrder / eOwner Apps ?



Process to Download & Install Marg eBusiness App

Overview/Introduction of Marg E-Business App


Marg eBusiness app integrated with Marg ERP Software eases the supply chain and order management system for the retailers, distributors and manufacturers to manage their business operations.

  • eRetail App - eRetail Mobile App automates the complete ordering process and helps to increase the Retailer ordering efficiency.
  • eOwner App - eOwner Owners app to manage business is a perfect Management app for Retailers, Distributors & C&F's. eOwner enables companies to keep eye on Sales, Collection & gps tracking of field staff. 
  • eOrder App - Marg eOrder Salesman Order App makes Ordering, Tracking & Collection easy for field staff and increases the efficiency of every salesman by 30%.

Process to Download and Install Marg E–Business App

  • Firstly, the user will download eOrder, eOwner & eRetail app from the play store.
  • Suppose, Download "eOrder App".

  • Then click on 'Install' button to install eOrder app.

  • Now, the user can view the eOrder app is downloading.

  • After downloading the eOrder app the user will open it.

  • Then user will feed the details i.e Company ID, User ID & Password according to the requirement.
  • Click on Login


After following the above steps, the user can download and install Marg apps.

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