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How to Modify Employee Master in HRXpert Software ?


  • Go to Masters > Employee Master.

  • An 'Employee Master' window will appear.
  • Click on 'Find' to search employee.

  • A window will appear.
  • In 'Name', the employer will select the basis on which employee needs to be search.
  • Suppose select 'Name/Code'.

In 'Employee', the employer will select the options as per the requirement.

a. All: Select the option if needs to search employee in all who are currently working or Left the company.

b. Current: Select the option if needs to search employee who are currently working.

c. Left: Select the option if needs to search employee who Left the company.

Suppose select 'Current'.

  • Now in 'Enter Name', the employer will mention the employee name or code as per the requirement.
  • Suppose search employee name 'Rajo'.

  • Click on employee Name and press 'Enter' key.

  • The employer will click on 'Edit'.

  • Now employer will click on the head which details needs to be Modify.
  • Suppose select 'Personal Detail'.

  • Suppose mention employee Education 'MBA'.
  • Click on 'Save'.

After following the above steps, the employer can Modify Employee Master in HRXpert Software.

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