ESIC typically refers to the 'Employees State Insurance Corporation', a social security and health insurance scheme in India. 'ESIC Leaving Date' likely refers to the date when an employee leaves or ceases to be covered under the ESIC scheme.
A biometric device is a tool that employs biometric technology to recognize and verify individuals by analyzing their distinct physiological or behavioral traits. Users can retrieve attendance data directly from the biometric device.
The term "employee master" refers to a comprehensive record or database that contains detailed information about an employee within an organization.
A salary slip, alternatively referred to as a pay slip or pay stub, is a document issued by an employer to an employee, presenting a breakdown of their salary and various financial elements.
In HRXpert Software Heads of Income and Deduction enables the employers to create the salary structure of the employees of the organization.
In HRXpert Software Muster Roll Attendance option enables the employer to manually define the day wise attendance of their respective employees.
In HRXpert Software Increment means an increase in the salary structure of an employee it can be done on quarterly or on yearly basis.
An incentive is something that motivates or encourages someone to take a particular course of action or to do something. It is a stimulus that propels individuals or groups to act in a certain way, often by offering a reward or benefit.
In HRXpert Software Manual Attendance option enables the employer to manually define the day wise attendance of their respective employees.
CTC stands for "Cost to Company," and it represents the total amount a company spends on an employee in a year, including salary, benefits, bonuses, and other perks.