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How to Generate Appointment Letter for an Employee in HRXpert Software ?


  • Go to HRD Module > Employee Reports > Appointment Letter.

  • An 'Appointment Letter' window will appear.
  • The employer will click on 'Add'.

  • In 'Applicant Name', option the employer will select the employee name.

b. Reference Number: Mention the reference number of an employee as per the requirement.

c. Signatory Name: Select the name of person who signed the appointment Letter.

d. Signatory Designation: Select the designation of person who signed the appointment Letter.

e. Grade: Select the grade of an employee for whom appointment letter is being generated.

f. Generation Date: Mention the date on which appointment letter is generated.

g. Probation Period: Mention the Probation Period of an employee.

h. Notice Period: Mention the Notice Period of an employee.

i. Appointment Date: Mention the Date on which employee will join.

j. Signature Date: Mention the Date on which employee signed the appointment letter.

k. P.F: Type: Select the PF type wheather it will contribute by both employee and company or only by employee.

  • Now the employer will mention the employee salary details and deductions as per the requirement.

  • The employer will click on 'Save'.

After following the above steps, the employer can generate Appointment Letter for an Employee in HRXpert Software.

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