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How to view Salary Slip of a particular Employee in HRxpert Software ?


  • Go to Reports > Monthly Reports > Salary Slip - View.

A 'Salary Slips' window will be appear.

a. Month & Year: Select Month and Year for which Salary Slip needs to be view.

b. Grade: Select Grade for which Salary Slip needs to be view.

c. Branch: Select Branch for which Salary Slip needs to be view.

d. Department: Select Department for which Salary Slip needs to be view.

e. Include Employees: Place check mark if need to include employee who left or Absent as per the requirement.

f. Include: Place check mark on the option which needs to be show in Salary Slip.

g. Exclude: Place check mark on the option which don't need to be show in Salary Slip.

h. Slip Format: Select the Fomat of salary as per the requirement.

i. Slip With: Select the option if needs to view salary slip with default or Arrear.

Now the employer will click on 'Show' button.

  • Now the employer will place check mark on the employee whose Salary Slip needs to be view.
  • Click on 'Display/Print' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose click on 'Display'.