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How to view All Ledger in Marg Books ?


  • Go to Master > Account Master > Ledger.

  • A 'Ledger Master' window will appear.
  • The user can view 'All Ledger' with their Balances.

a. Excel Icon: The user will click on Excel Icon to generate ledger report in excel.

b. PDF Icon: The user will click on PDF Icon to generate ledger report in pdf.

c. Print Icon: The user will click on Print Icon to print ledger report.

d. Share Icon: The user will click on the Share Icon to select option as following:

WhatsApp: The user will click on WhatsApp Icon to share report through WhatsApp.

Email: The user will click on Email Icon to share report through Email.

Drive: The user will click on Drive Icon to share report through Drive.

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