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How to Remove All Accounts Report Power For User in Marg Books ?



In Marg Books, if there is a requirement to remove All Accounts Report Power for User, then it can be done easily.

  • Firstly, the user will sign in with 'Supervisor ID'.

  • The user will click on 'Settings' icon.

  • In 'User Access & Privileges' option, the user will click on 'Configure' button.

  • Then, click on 'Roles'.

  • Now select the user whose role needs to be assigned as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Mahak's Role' and click on 'Edit' icon.

  • In 'Menu' (left side), the user will select the menu for which the user needs to assign role to the user.
  • Suppose select 'Accounts Report'.

  • The user will 'Un-Tick' All Reports and their Power options to remove the accounting report power from their users.

  • Then, click on 'Update' button.

  • A 'Role Saved Successfully' pop up will appear.

  • In order to 'Re-Login', the user will click on 'Profile' icon.

  • Click on 'Log Out'.

  • Now, sign in with the 'User ID'.

  • Now, click on 'Report'.

After following the above steps, the All Accounts Report will get removed for User in Marg Books.

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