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How to create Coupon in Marg Mart ?



Overview Of Coupons

Process To Create Coupon In Marg Mart

Overview Of Coupons

  • A coupon is a voucher or code that provides a discount or a special offer on a product or service. Coupons can be in the form of printed certificates, digital codes, or mobile app offers.
  • Coupons help to attract customers, promote sales, or introduce new products. Customers can redeem coupons during a purchase to receive a specified discount or benefit.

Process To Create Coupon In Marg Mart

  • Firstly, click on 'Catalog' tab.

  • Then, click on 'Coupon' tab.

  • The user will click on 'Add Coupon' button.

The user will select the following option:

a. Coupon Code: Enter 'Coupon Code' as per the requirement.

b. Coupon Name: Enter 'Coupon Name' as per the requirement.

c. Status: Select 'Enabled' if the coupon needs to be displayed on the site; otherwise, keep it 'Disabled'.

d. Coupon Value: Enter 'Coupon Value' as per the requirement.

e. Start Date: Enter the Coupon's Applicable Start Date

f. End Date: Enter the Coupon's Ending Date.

g. Minimum Purchase Amount: Enter the minimum purchase amount for which the coupon will apply to the customer.

h. Maximum Purchase Amount: Enter the maximum purchase amount for which the coupon will apply to the customer.

i. No. of times the user can use this coupon: The user will enter the number of times the coupon can be used.

j. The Number of Cart Items the coupon code can be applied: The user will enter the number of cart items to which the coupon code can be applied.

k. Coupon Code Applies to all qualifying Items in the cart: The user will either select a product under 'Product Applicable for This Coupon' for the selected item or place a checkmark on this option.

  • Then, click on 'Select Customer' button.

  • The user will place a 'Check' mark next to the customers for whom this coupon is applicable.
  • And, click on 'Ok' button.

  • The user will click on 'Save' button.

  • The user can view the Coupon will get created.

  • In 'Action' column, the user can click on the 'Three Vertical Dots' to edit or delete the coupon as per the requirement.

After following the above steps, the user can easily create Coupon in Marg Mart.

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