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How to Generate Rate on the MRP Basis in Marg Books ?
  • Click on the ‘Settings’ Icon.

  • In 'Control Room' option, the user will click on ‘Configure’ button.

  • The user will search ‘Rate Generate’.

  • In 'Rate Generate' option, the user will select 'Yes'.

  • Click on 'Configure' button.

  • The user will enter the Name of the Formula.
  • Suppose mention 'AD'.

  • In 'Define Base Rate' option, the user will select 'M.R.P'.
  • Click on 'Add' button.

  • In 'Rate' option, the user will select 'Sale Rate'.

  • In 'Type' option, the user will select 'GST/Margin(%)' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Margin(%)'.

  • In 'Margin(%)' option, the user will enter margin percentage for rate generation.
  • Suppose enter '20%' and click on 'Save' button or press 'F10' key.

  • The formula for Rate Generation will get saved.

  • Now, the user will press 'ESC' key.

  • Select ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

  • Click on 'OK' button.

  • Suppose there is an item 'Amifru 40 10T' whose MRP is Rs.'200' so the Sale rate will be generated as (Sale Rate = 200-200*20/100 = 160).

After following the above steps, the Sale Rate will be generated on the basis of MRP in Marg Books.

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