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What is the process of Global Purchase Import in Marg Books ?



Overview of Global Purchase Import in Marg Books

Process to Configure E-Mail ID in Marg Books

Process of Global Purchase Import in Marg Books


  • Marg Books has provided a very beneficial provision in the software through which the user can easily import the Sale Bills generated & received by the supplier via mail in any format (Excel, CSV, Gst Standard etc.) in Purchase Bill with a single click.
  • Global Purchase Import enables the user to easily import multiple Purchase Bill for which the E-mail ID must be configured successfully.


  • Firstly, the user will open the E-Mail I'D which needs to be configured.
  • The user will click on 'Profile Icon' on the top right side of the e-mail id.

  • The user will click on 'Manage your Google Account'.

  • The user will click on 'Security' tab in order to enable 2 step verification.

  • The user will click on '2-Step Verification' option.

  • A '2-Step Verification' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Get Started' button.

  • Now, in order to verify, the user will enter the password and click on 'Next' button.

  • The user will click on 'Continue' button.

  • The user will enter the 'Mobile Number' which is linked with the e-mail id.
  • In 'How do you want to get codes?' option, the user will place a 'Tick' mark against in which mode they will receive codes i.e. via text message or phone call.
  • Suppose tick on 'Text Message' and click on 'Send' button. 

  • The user will enter the 'Verification Code' and click on 'Next' button.

  • Now, the user will click on 'Turn On' button.

  • The user can view that the 2-Step Verification will get enabled.
  • Again, the user will click on '2-Step Verification' option.

  • In '2-Step Verification' window, the user will scroll down and click on 'App Passwords' option.

  • An 'App Passwords' window will appear.
  • In 'App Name' field, the user will enter 'Marg Books' and click on 'Create' button.

Fig 1. The user can view that the password is shown in 'Generate App Password' window and they can choose to either copy it or capture a photo of the generated password.

  • Firstly, the user will click on 'Settings' icon in the dashboard window.

  • A 'Dashboard setting' window will appear.
  • In 'Control Room' option, the user will click on 'Configure' button.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Email Settings' tab.

  • An 'Email Settings' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Purchase Import Email Setup' button.

  • A 'Purchase Import Email Setup' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'New' button.

  • An 'Email Settings' window will appear.
  • In 'Email Id' field, the user will enter the 'Email Id' then the provider, host and port field will get auto-filled.

  • In 'Password' field, the user will enter the 'App Generated Password' ( As generated in fig 1.)

  • Now, the user will click on 'Save' button.

  • The user can view that the Email Setup will get Added Successfully.


  • The user can view that the Supplier has sent the Sale Bill via email in the GST Standard Format and there is a need to import it into the Purchase Bill in Marg Books.

  • In 'Dashboard' window, the user will click on 'Pur. Import' icon.

  • An 'Email List' window will appear.
  • In 'Filter' option, the user will select the date range for which emails need to be view.

  • The user will click on 'Apply' button.

  • The user can view that the list of E-Mails sent by the supplier along with the sender name & subject.

Note: The user can view only those e-mail id’s here which are been configured and only 7 days of e-mails will be displayed here.

  • Now, in order to import the bill, the user will click on 'Open Email' icon.

  • An 'Email Details' window will appear.
  • The user will place a 'Tick' mark against 'Open Mapping window'.

  • Now, the user will click on 'Proceed' button.

  • An 'Item Mapping' window will appear.
  • If the item 'amifru 40' is not yet created in the software but is essential for mapping, the user will initiate the creation of the item by clicking on the 'Create Item from Purchase' button.

  • An 'Agency Not Found' alert window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Create' button in order to create the mapping item's company.

  • A 'Hsn/Sac Code Not Found' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Create' button to create the mapping item's hsn code.

  • A 'Create Item' window will appear.
  • The user will click on 'Save' button.

  • In this way, the user will create other items for mapping. Then, the user will click on 'Import' button.

  • The user can view the Items will get loaded in the Purchase Bill to save the bill, click on 'Save' button.

After following the above steps, the user can import the bill through Global Purchase Import in Marg Books.

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