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Process of Re-order ( Minimum Basis ) in Marg Books



Overview And Benefits Of Re-Order Process In Marg Books

Process to Generate Re-Order on Minimum Basis Formula in Marg Books

Overview And Benefits Of Re-Order Process In Marg Books

If the stock level of a particular item is minimized to a point where it needs to be restored or you want to order again for that item this is called Re-order.

Benefits of Re-order Management:

  • Less manual work
  • Time-saving
  • Accuracy of stock
  • Efficiently manage the availability of stock
  • Better customer relationship/satisfaction level
  • Reduces the chance of Over-Capitalization

With the help of Marg Books, the user can easily generate the Re-order on the basis of four formulas i.e. Sale Basis, Minimum Basis, Shortage Basis, Last Sale Basis. So, in this article the user will learn about ‘Minimum Basis’.

Process To Generate Re-Order On Minimum Basis Formula In Marg Books

The formula for generating re-order on Minimum Quantity Basis is as follows:

Minimum Basis formula = Defined Minimum Quantity - Closing Stock

Suppose, an item 'Omez' has current stock of 400 pcs and it is defined in the software that 'Minimum level' of the selected item has mandatory need to be maintained as '1100' PCS then the reorder will be generated in the below:

  • For this, Go to Reports.

  • The user will select ‘Inventory Report’.

  • Now select ‘Re-order’ option.

  • The user will click on ‘Settings’ Icon.

  • Now in ‘Re-order Based on’ option, the user will select ‘Minimum Bases’.

  • Order by: The user will select the basis on which the re-order needs to be generated.

a. Company wise: If the re-order needs to be generated on the basis of item’s company then select it from the dropdown.

b. Supplier wise: If the re-order needs to be generated on the basis of item’s supplier then select it from the dropdown.

Suppose select ‘Company Wise’.

  • The user will select the company as per the requirement by placing a check-mark on it.
  • Suppose select 'Cipla Ltd' and click on 'OK' button.

  • Item: Now the user will select whether the re-order needs to be generated of ‘all items’ or of only ‘Sold items’.
  • Suppose select ‘All’.

  • Re-order Formula: 7*1 (by default) in which ‘7’ means that for how many days from last the software will consider the sales of a product. 

  • And ‘1’ means for that how many times of the ordering Quantity, the software will generate the re-order.

  • Re-order days for: The user will mention that after how many days the software will generate the re-order of the items.

  • After following the above steps the software will generate the re-order of the items falling under Minimum Criteria of Re-order.
  • Suppose the minimum qty to be maintained of ‘Omez’ is 1100 pcs and closing stock of item is 40 pcs so software has generated the re-order of 700 (1100- 400) quantities.

  • Now the user will click on 'Place Order' button.

Thereafter, the order will get placed and the user will click on 'Save' button to save order.

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