Home > Marg Book > Invoice Template > How to Customize Invoice Templates in Marg Books ?
Overview of Invoice Template Option in Marg Books
Process to Set & Create Customized Template in Marg Books
The transaction for which the template is customized or set as default then that will be applicable for only that transaction.
1. General Tab
a. Title Text: The user can change the Title of the invoice.
Suppose mention ‘Tax Invoice’ instead of ‘Sale Bill’.
b. Color: The user can change the color as per requirement.
c. Email Color: The user can change the Email color as per requirement.
d. Font Size: The user can set the size of the font as per the requirement.
e. Orientation: The user can select the Orientation i.e. Portrait or Landscape as per the requirement.
f. Margin (Inch): The user can set the margin i.e. Left, Top, Right and Bottom as per the requirement.
g. Paper Size: The user will set the size of the paper i.e. A4, A5, etc. as per the requirement.
h. Hide Vertical Lines: The user can tick or untick the checkbox as per the requirement that whether the vertical lines must be shown or not in the invoice.
i. Repeat Header in all Page: The user can tick or untick the checkbox as per the requirement i.e. if the header must appear on every page in case the Sale Bill is coming in more than 1 page then tick the checkbox otherwise keep it as untick.
j. Name of Print Copy: If the user needs to print the name of the copy on the Sale Bill then tick or untick it as per the requirement.
2. Company Tab
a. Name: Select whether the user needs to print the name of the company on the bill or not. The user can set the width of the company name & modify the label of the company as per the requirement.
3. Party Tab
a. Address: Select whether the user needs to print the address of the party on the bill or not as per the requirement.
4. Item Table Tab
5. Footer Tab
The user will select or deselect the fields which are required to be included or hiden in the footer as per the requirement.