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How to create Sale Bill in Marg Books App ?

Overview of Sale Bill in Marg Books App

Process to create Sale Bill in Marg Books App

Overview of Sale Bill in Marg Books App

A Sale Bill is an official record documenting the sale of goods or services. It includes transaction details such as the date, items sold, quantities, and prices, along with information about both the buyer and the seller. This bill serves as proof of the transaction and aids in accurate accounting and inventory management.

Process to create Sale Bill in Marg Books App

  • Firstly, click on 'Sale' button on dashboard window.

  • The user can view 'Invoice No. and Date' will be automatically generated, but the user can modify them as needed.

  • The user will click on 'Select Party' field.

  • Then, select party for which sale bill needs to be created.
  • Suppose select 'A1 Pharma'.

  • The user can view Party's Number will get auto picked.

  • The user will click on 'Store' field.

  • Now, select a store for which an item needs to be sold.
  • Suppose select 'Main Store'.

  • Then, click on 'Add Item' button.

  • Now, select item that needs to be sold as per the requirement.
  • Suppose click on 'Add+' button of Acnederm Lot.

  • The user can increase the quantity by clicking on the '+' icon and decrease the quantity by clicking on the '-' icon.
  • Click on 'Submit' button.

  • The user will click on the 'Add Item' button to add more items.
  • Thereafter, add remarks to the bill as per their requirement
  • Click on 'Save' button.

  • The user can view the Sale Bill will get created.

The user can change the bill theme using the given theme options as per their requirement.

a. Print: Select the option to print Sale bill.

b. Download: Select the option to download Sale bill.

c. Share: Select the option to share Sale bill.

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