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How to create Purchase Bill in Marg Books App ?



Overview of Purchase Bill in Marg Books App

Process to create Purchase Bill in Marg Books App

Overview of Purchase Bill in Marg Books App

A Purchase Bill is a document detailing a transaction between a buyer and seller, outlining the items purchased, quantities, prices, and total amount due. It serves as a record of the agreement and facilitates payment processing and inventory management for businesses.

Process to create Purchase Bill in Marg Books App

  • Firstly, click on 'Purchase' button on dashboard window.

  • The user will enter 'Invoice No.' and 'Date' as per the requirement.

  • The user will click on 'Select Party' field.

  • Then, select party for which purchase bill needs to be created.
  • Suppose select 'A2Z Pharmacy'.

  • The user will click on 'Store' field.

  • Now, select a store for which an item needs to be purchased.
  • Suppose select 'Main Store'.

  • Then, click on 'Add Item' button.

  • Now, select item that needs to be purchased as per the requirement.
  • Suppose select 'Adderall'.

The user will enter the following details as per the requirement:

a. Quantity: Enter item 'Quantity'.

b. Unit: Enter the unit of the item that need to purchase i.e. unit 1 or unit 2.

c. Rate: Enter item 'Rate'.

d. Free Qty: Enter 'Free Quantity'.

e. Discount %: Enter 'Discount Percentage'.

f. MRP: Enter item's 'MRP'.

g. Sale Rate: Enter item's 'Sale Rate'.

  • Then, click on 'Select Batch' option.

  • The user will select the batch for which stock needs to be purchased.
  • Suppose click on 'Select' button of Batch No.1

  • In 'Expiry Date' field, the user will enter the item's Expiry Date as per the requirement.

  • The user will click on the 'Add Item' button to add more items.
  • Thereafter, add remarks to the bill as per their requirement
  • Click on 'Save' button.

  • The user can view the Purchase Bill will get created.

The user can change the bill theme using the given theme options as per their requirement.

a. Print: Select the option to print purchase bill.

b. Download: Select the option to download purchase bill.

c. Share: Select the option to share purchase bill.

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