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How to send Own Text to Party on SMS through Marg Wallet ?



Process To Activate SMS Service In Marg Wallet

Process Of SMS Setup In Marg Software

Process To Add Party Mobile Number In Marg Software

Process To Send Own Text to Party on SMS Through Marg Wallet

Process To Activate SMS Service In Marg Wallet

Note: Firstly, the user needs to Activate Marg Wallet.

  • Go to Digital > Marg Wallet > Activate Services.

  • Click on 'SMS/Email/WhatsApp'.

  • Now the user will place a check mark on 'SMS' service.
  • Click on 'Submit' button.

Process Of SMS Setup In Marg Software

  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'SMS/WhatsApp Setup'.

  • Now click on ‘Accept’.

'SMS Setup' window will appear.

a. Message send through M-Marg Server / N-Individual Computer / X-Not Required: Select the option as per the requirement.

M-Marg Server: Select the option 'M' if need to send SMS through the Server File (Make sure Server file is opened).

N-Individual Computer: Select the option 'N', if need to send SMS through Net (Make sure Net is connected).

Suppose select 'N'.

b. Message P-Setup in Party Master or Default W-Whatsapp S-SMS B-Both: The user will select the option as per the requirement.

P-Setup in Party Master or Default: Select the option if needed to enable the option party-wise.

W-WhatsApp: Select the option need to enable only WhatsApp for all Parties.

S-SMS: Select the option needed to enable only SMS for all Parties.

B-Both: Select the option to enable both WhatsApp and SMS.

Suppose select 'S-SMS'.

c. Mobile No. Length: Mention '10' in this field.

  • The user will now press 'ESC' key twice.

  • Now click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

Process To Add Party Mobile Number In Marg Software

  • Go to Masters > Ledger Master > Ledger > Modify Ledger.

  • A 'Ledger Alteration' window will appear.
  • The user will select the ledger in which the Contact number needs to be mentioned.
  • Suppose select 'Kajal' and press 'Enter' key.

  • Now select 'SMS,EMail & Geo'.

  • 'Message,E-Mail' window will appear.
  • In 'Message' option, send will be auto-set.

  • In 'Mobile Number' option, mention the party's Mobile Number on which SMS needs to be sent.

  • Now press 'Ctrl+W' key.

Process To Send Own Text to Party on SMS Through Marg Wallet

  • Go to Books > All Ledgers.

  • A 'Ledger Accounts' window will appear.
  • The user will press 'Enter' key on a particular ledger whose transaction needs to be sent on WhatsApp.
  • Suppose select 'Kajal'.

  • 'Ledger Display' window will appear.
  • In 'From and To' option, the user mentions the date range for which the transaction needs to be generated.
  • Click on 'Ledger'.

  • The selected Ledger Transaction will be generated.
  • Click on 'SMS' icon (as shown in the below image).

  • The user will select 'Message My Own Text' option.

  • Now the user will type the message that needs to be sent to the party.
  • Click on 'Close' button.

  • An alert of 'Send Message' will appear and click on 'Yes'.

After following the above steps, the user can send Own Text to Party on SMS through Marg Wallet.

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