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How to set monthly user collection target in SFAXpert software ?



Process to Set Monthly User Collection Target in SFAXpert Software

Overview: In MARG, SFAXpert displays the graph of sales by which the user can easily evaluate the performance of sales person. The Owner can set the collection target for each user accordingly. For this, the user needs to follow the below mentioned steps:

Firstly, go to User > Set User Collection.

Select the State from the list of all states (of which user collection the user needs to define). 

Select the Designation for which the user needs to set collection target.

Specify the basis of Target Type the user needs to mention like on Yearly basis/ Monthly Basis/Quarterly basis. Here, the user will select the target type “Monthly”

Select the Year and month of which target the user needs to mention and click on “Get Report” button below.

Then, describe the collection target of each user in report accordingly and click on “Submit”.

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