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How to Login SFAXpert Software ?

SFAXpert is an online MR tracker specifically crafted to monitor the activities of medical representatives, aiding in the creation of comprehensive reports and providing a view of stock status.


How to export unlock DCR report in excel from the SFAXpert Software ?

In SFAXpert Software, the owner has the ability to keep track of all users, while supervisors can export Unlock DCR reports for each salesperson, effectively unblocking reports that were previously blocked.


How to view Attendance Report in SFAXpert Software ?

In SFAXpert Software, By monitoring attendance, companies can determine which employees arrive early, on time or consistently late. With the help of this article, the user can view Attendance Report.


How to view Unlock DCR Report in SFAxpert Software ?

SFAXpert displays Graph of sales and one can easily evaluate the performance of sales person. It helps in maintain the record of all users & Supervisor.


How to export DCR report in excel from SFAXpert Software ?

SFAXpert Software displays a graph of sales by which the user can easily evaluate the performance of sales person. In the software, the owner can maintain the record of all users and can also view and export the report of DCR report.


How to view Area wise Frequency Report and Export it in Excel Format through SFAXpert Software ?

SFAXpert Software provides users with the capability to access reports using various criteria. Users have the flexibility to generate area-wise frequency reports based on their specific needs.


How to export Doctor List in PDF through SFAXpert Software ?

In SFAXpert, users can effortlessly assess performance as needed. They have the capability to manage the doctors and export the doctor names in PDF format.


How to export Degree Wise Doctor Report in PDF format through SFAXpert Software ?

In SFAXpert Software the user can view Doctor list separately as per the requirement. The user can Export Degree Wise Doctor Report in PDF format.


How to export Doctor List in Excel through SFAXpert Software ?

In SFAXpert, users can effortlessly assess performance as needed. They have the capability to manage the doctors and export the doctor names in different formats like Excel/PDF/CSV.


How to export Degree Wise Doctor in Excel Format through SFAXpert Software ?

Within SFAXpert Software, users have the capability to export a report of doctors categorized by their degrees, tailored to their specific needs. This process facilitates the export of the report in Excel format.

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