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Terms & Conditions of Marg Licence Verification?



The various levels have been divided as follows:

Level 1: Licence

Verification requires in every 2 months

  • When licence comes under this level:
  • Re-use of exception code in 365+90 days by the same partner
  • If any Hard Disk change in 90 days in our records

Level 2: Licence

Verification requires in every 1 month

When license come under this level: In 365+90 days

  • 3+ times system re-use (Customer changing system rapidly)
  • 6+ times system change (Hard-disk change more than 6 times)
  • Used in any system where AMC is due (Sometimes the user can change exception code of other licence and run the software)
  • 2+ times hard disk crashed (New Hard-disk)
  • 3+ times re-use of exception code
  • Licence days extended manually by Marg Team
  • Convert from Old Software to Marg ERP
  • Under Surveillance (System found Misuse of license)
  • Licence renewed after 90 days
  • Suspected Hard-disk change
  • Name Change
  • Multi-Location Licence
  • CA Edition Licence

Level 3 Licence

First verification is required in 15 days then after every 1 month

When license come under this level:

  • Surveillance Licence
  • Illegal AMC Renewed
  • Illegal activities in Licence

Other Licence called Level 0 licence

Verification requires in every 3 months

  • 90% licence comes under level 0

Verification Process

If only 1 company created with Matched Name (Licence Registered Name)

  • Message up to 30 days
  • Code after 30 days
  • Purchase close after 45 days
  • Entry close after 60 days

Level 3 got 90 days

Level 2 got 120 days

Level 1 got 150 days


  • Message up to 30 days
  • Code after 30 days
  • Purchase close after 37 days
  • Entry close after 42 days

Level 3 got 72 days

Level 2 got 102 days

Level 1 got 132 days

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