Home > Margerp > Printer Setup > What is the Process of Printer Setup in Marg ERP Software ?
The user can change the settings of a printer with the help of the printer setup option. In order to printer setup, the user needs to follow the below steps:
The user will select the options as per the requirement:
a. Default Printer Port: Select the printer port that the user requires while printing, for example, LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3. Also, the user can type 'ASK' if a particular printer needs to be selected at the time of printing.
b. Use Settings if DMP Printer: Fill this option if the user is using DMP(Dot Matrix Printer).
Suppose, select 'TVSE MSP 250' for DMP.
c. Use Settings if Laser Printer: If you are using GUI (Graphics User Interface), then the settings of GUI printer have to be filled.
Suppose, select 'Window GUI Printer'.
d. Page Break on view Report: The user will select 'Yes' if the page needs to be broken at the time of viewing the printing report otherwise select 'No'.
After following the above steps, the user can do the Printer Setup in Marg ERP Software.