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What is the Process of Printer Setup in Marg ERP Software ?



The user can change the settings of a printer with the help of the printer setup option. In order to printer setup, the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Printer Setup.

  • Click on the 'Change' button.

The user will select the options as per the requirement:

a. Default Printer Port: Select the printer port that the user requires while printing, for example, LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3. Also, the user can type 'ASK' if a particular printer needs to be selected at the time of printing.

b. Use Settings if DMP Printer: Fill this option if the user is using DMP(Dot Matrix Printer).

Suppose, select 'TVSE MSP 250' for DMP.

  • Eject Working Properly: If the user wants the software to eject the paper properly then select 'Yes' otherwise select 'No'.
  • Page Length(Lines): The user can mention the numbers of the line which is to be used in the paper while printing.
  • Suppose mention '72'.
  • Footer Margin(Lines): Here, the user can set the footer margin lines of the page.
  • Suppose mention '6'.
  • Page Width 7/8 Inch: The user can mention the lines of the width of the paper.
  • Suppose mention '8'.
  • Graphic Support: Select 'Yes' if the user want to use graphics support at the time of printing otherwise select 'No'.

c. Use Settings if Laser Printer: If you are using GUI (Graphics User Interface), then the settings of GUI printer have to be filled.

Suppose, select 'Window GUI Printer'.

  • Eject Working Properly: If the user wants the software to eject the paper properly then select 'Yes' otherwise select 'No'.
  • Page Length(Lines): The user can mention the numbers of the line which is to be used in the paper while printing.
  • Suppose mention '66'.
  • Footer Margin(Lines): Here, the user can set the footer margin lines of the page.
  • Suppose mention '6'.
  • Graphic Support: Select 'Yes' if the user want to use graphics support at the time of printing otherwise select 'No'.

d. Page Break on view Report: The user will select 'Yes' if the page needs to be broken at the time of viewing the printing report otherwise select 'No'.

  • The user will make the desired changes in the printer setup screen as per the requirement.
  • Select 'Yes' option from the LPT1 drop down list.
  • The Printer dialog box will appear. Select the desired printer from the drop down.
  • Suppose select 'HP LaserJet 1020'.

  • Then, click on 'Ok' button.

  • Select the printer type i.e. Laser or DMP.
  • Suppose select 'Laser'.

  • Now the printer of LPT1 port will get changed.
  • Similarly, the user can change the settings of the other ports as well.
  • Then, click on 'Exit' button.

  • The user will click on 'Yes' to save the settings as default otherwise select 'No'.
  • Suppose select 'No'.

After following the above steps, the user can do the Printer Setup in Marg ERP Software.

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