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If ' Blank Space not allowed ' alert appears at the time of opening Software then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?




This Alert 'Blank Space not allowed' appears due to Space in Marg Software Folder Name.

with the help of Marg Software, the user can resolve the alert of 'Blank Space not allowed' which appears at the time of opening software.

In order to resolve alert, the user must follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Firstly, Click Right on Margwin Icon.

  • Now, click on 'Open File Location'.

  • A 'MargErp' Folder will appear.
  • Press 'Backspace' key.

  • Click Right on 'MargErp' Folder Name.
  • Then, click on 'Rename'.

  • Remove Space from Folder Name.

After following the above steps, the user can easily Run Marg Software.

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