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How to Export and Import Bill from Marg ERP to Marg ERP Software ?



Overview Of Bill Import From Marg To Marg

Process To Export Bill From Marg ERP Software

Process To Import Bill In Marg ERP Software

Overview Of Bill Import From Marg To Marg

  • The transaction Import option is basically used to import the purchase list from any outer source, such as an Excel file, CSV file, etc.
  • With the help of Marg ERP Software, the user can import the invoice file received in Marg Software without making any manual entries.
  • ‘Marg Bill Import’ feature of transaction import does not require any method to import the purchase entry.
  • There is a condition in this method of purchase import i.e. the bill must be exported through Marg software and also needs to be imported in the same.

Process To Export Bill From Marg ERP Software

  • Go to Books > All Ledgers.

  • The user will select the party whose Bill needs to be exported in Excel Format.
  • Then press 'F3' key on it.

  • The user will select 'Other Detail' option.

  • In 'Export Bill Format' option, the user will select 'Marg'.
  • Press 'Ctrl+W' key to save the changes.

  • Go to Transactions > Purchase > Modify Bill

  • The user will select the options as per the Requirement i.e. bill no, bill date, etc.

  • The user will press 'F11' key on the selected entry that needs to be exported.

  • Click on 'Save Bill'.

  • The software will automatically pick the default path where the file will be saved.
  • Click on 'Accept'.

Note: The user can also change the path as per the requirement.

  • The user can view both Excel and PDF will get generated.

Process To Import Bill In Marg ERP Software

  • Go to Transactions > Transaction Import > Marg Bill Import. 

  • The user will select the directory where the file has been saved.

  • Select the location that needs to be imported and click on 'Select' button.

a. Import Path: The path will get automatically picked by the software, the user can also change it as per the requirement.

b. Purchase Type: Set the purchase type of the party.

c. Import in Type: Select the type that needs to import the transaction in Sale/Purchase etc.

d. Save In Bill/Challan: Select whether to save in Bill or Challan.

e. Hold Purchase: Select 'Yes' if needs to hold the item stock in bill.

f. Import print Batch: Select the batch if needed to import the batch that is set to display in print.

g. Entry Date: Mention the date on which bills need to be saved.

h. Show un-matched: Select the option as per the requirement.

Suspected: Select the option if only needs to display the item having a slight difference in name or other details.

Un-Matched: Select the option if needed to display the items that are not mapped/saved with another name.

All: Select the option if needed to display all items.

i. Replace A-Rate: Select the rate with which RateA needs to be replaced.

j. Item Search Base: Select the base for item search as per the requirement.

Then click on ‘Accept’.

  • Select the purchase type and press 'Enter' key.

  • Now the user will select the ledger whose bill needs to be imported.
  • Suppose select 'Marg ERP'.

Now the user will map the items as per the requirement.

a. Item already created in software: The software will automatically map the item, also if the user needs to be mapped with another item it can be done by pressing 'Enter' key on it.

b. Item not created in software: Press '+' key to on selected item that is not mapped.

  • Press 'ESC' key.

  • Click on 'Yes'.

  • Now the user will click on 'Accept' button.

  • Here, if there are any rate changes the user can view them or click on the cross icon to close the window.

  • The user can view Items will get imported.

  • Now press 'Ctrl+W' key and click on 'Yes' to save changes.

  • The user can view Bill Imported Properly.

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