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How to create purchase import method in Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP Software, if at the time of importing purchase from excel the software showing an alert "No Method Found" then this issue can be resolved.

This alert appears because the user has not create the method for purchase importIn order to resolve this issue, the user needs to create method for purchase import by following the below steps:

  • Firstly, Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Advanced Features > Import Purchase. Press Enter.

  • An ERP to Marg ERP 9+ Inventory window will appear.
  • The user will now select ‘Method’.

  • An ERP to Marg ERP 9+ Inventory Method window will appear.
  • In the Name field, the user will enter the name for this method.
  • Suppose, enter ‘PUR’.

  • An alert window will appear ‘Not found. Want to create’, the user will click on ‘Yes’.

  • Then, the user can give the description for this method. 
  • Suppose, enter "Purchase Import".

  • In Default Type, the user will select the type for this method from the drop down.
  • Suppose, select ‘Purchase’.

  • In the excel sheet that the user wants to import, the user can view that the data starts from line 2.

  • So, in ‘Data from line’, the user will enter ‘2’.

  • In 'Save In', the user needs to select whether the user needs to import the transaction in bill or challan.
  • Suppose, select 'Bill'.
  • Then press Enter key.

  • An Import Method window will appear. Press Enter.

  • Format Variables window will appear.
  • The user will now search the heading to be imported from the Excel sheet.
  • Suppose, select Bill Number.

  • In the excel sheet, the user can view that Bill Number is in column A.

  • Then, in Import method window the user will enter ‘A’ in Excel field.

  • Press Enter twice.
  • Again, Format Variables window will appear.
  • The user will search the heading to be imported from the Excel sheet.
  • Suppose, now select Bill Date.

  • In the excel sheet, the user can view that Bill Date is in column B.

  • Then, in Import method window the user will enter ‘B’ in Excel field.

  • Press Enter twice.
  • Similarly, the user will select all the headings to be imported from the Excel sheet.

Press Enter and then press Escape key twice to save.

After following the above steps, the user can import purchase bill through excel.

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