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How to Fix an error of 'Company Mfg Licence No Expired after some days' which appears at the time of opening Marg Software ?



In Marg Software, there is an option available to define the Manufacturing Date and its Expiry Date. After the date of expiry software shows alert that ‘Company MFG licence number expired after some days’.

In order to resolve 'Company MFG licence number expired after some days', the user needs to follow the below steps:

  • A 'List of Companies' window will appear.
  • Press 'F3' key on selected company.

  • A 'Company Alteration' window will appear.
  • In 'Exp. Date’ of Mfg.Lic.No. option, the user needs to extend that date.

  • Now press 'CTRL+Wkey to save the changes. 

After following the above steps, the user can view 'Company MFG licence number expired after some days' error will get resolved.

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