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How to create Purchase Voucher in Marg Software ?



Overview/Introduction to Purchase Voucher in Marg ERP Software 

Process of Purchase Voucher in Marg ERP Software


The Purchase Voucher entry usually records all the entries related to purchase including cash and credit.

In this Purchase Voucher entry, the user can only enter the purchase amount and tax percentage.


Purchase Voucher entry can be done in 2 ways i.e.

1. Inclusive Tax

In Inclusive, if the billing of Rs.1000 is to be done then the tax amount to be applied will be included in the total bill value.

2. Exclusive Tax

In Exclusive, tax will be applied on the billing amount. Suppose, if the billing of Rs.1000 is to be done then tax will be applied on that billing amount i.e. total bill value + tax.

Suppose, take an example for Purchase transaction: A company purchases goods worth Rs. 25000 from Production Department on 24 Aug’18. Through this example, implement purchase voucher in both the ways, Inclusive and Exclusive tax.


  • Go to Accounts > Voucher Entry > PurchasePress Enter.

  • A 'Purchase Voucher' entry window will appear.

  • The user will Enter Date on which the purchase has been done.

  • Now, select the ledger according to the requirement.
  • As per the example. Here, select "Production Department".

  • window of GST Summary will be displayed. Press Enter.

  • window of Select HSN/SAC will appear from which select the HSN of tax.

  • Then, Define the quantity.

  • Enter the amount as per the example. Set amount as Rs. 25000. Press Enter.

  • The user can now view that the amount has been changed to Rs. 22321.42 instead of Rs. 25000.

  • In this Inclusive waySoftware has calculated the taxable amount and the tax.

  • When the user will calculate the taxable amount and SGST and CGST, then the total value will be Rs.25000.

  • That is, the amount of Rs.1339.29 and another Rs.1339.29 was already included in the bill value of Rs.25000.

  • Press 'Endkey. The user can view that the bill value is Rs.25000.

  • Press 'End' key Two times. The user can now view that the purchase voucher entry has been created.

  • The user will keep pressing enter and in the Narration field, whatever narration that the user wants to give can type it here.
  • Suppose, type 'Company purchases goods worth Rs 25 Thousand'.

  • Then press 'End' key & Click on 'Save' to Save the voucher.


  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control RoomPress Enter.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select 'GST Setup'Press Enter.

  • A 'VAT Setup' window will appear. Click on Accept.

  • Then, again a Vat setup window will appear. Press Page down key twice.
  • In 'Goods Value I-Inclusive E-Exclusive in Accounting voucher' option, the user will select “E”.
  • Now, in 'GST and Surcharge Calculate on' option, the user will select B” I.e. Surcharge will calculate on GST.

  • Press 'Esc' key and then click on 'Yes' to save the changes.

  • A 'Warning' Window will appear. Press Enter key.

  • Now Run File Maintenance.

  • Select financial year and then press Enter on it.

  • An 'Attention Please' window will be displayed. Click on “Ok”.

  • Then Maintaining & Index file window will appear.

  • Now, Go to Accounts > Voucher Entry > PurchasePress Enter.

  • A 'Voucher Entry' window will appear.

  • The user will Enter Date on which purchase has been done.

  • Now, select the ledger according to the requirement.
  • Suppose as per the example, here select "Production Department".

  • window of GST Summary will appear. Press Enter.

  • window of HSN/SAC will appear from which select the HSN of tax.

  • The user will define the quantity and the amount.
  • Suppose set '10 in Qty and Rs. 25000 in Amount'.

  • The user can now view that the amount of Rs. 25000 remains the same because the tax will be applied on the amount i.e. whatever will be the tax that will be added in the Bill Value.

  • Press Enter. The tax on the amount of Rs.25000 has been applied and gives the bill value of Rs.28000.

  • Press 'End' key.

  • Then press 'Ctrl+W' and click on 'Save' to save the voucher.

After following the above steps, the user can create Purchase voucher in Marg Software.

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