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If cursor does not wait on Rate field in Item Master then how to resolve it in Marg Software ?


  • Firstly, Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Search in all’. 

  • A 'Controls' window will appear in which the user will Search 'Rate From'.
  • Now click on ‘Accept’.

  • A 'Rate From' window will appear.
  • In 'Rates from Master/Batch/Date file', option the user will select 'M'.

  • The user will now press 'ESC' key twice.

  • Now click on ‘Yes’ to save changes.

After following the above steps, the user can change Rate in Item Master.


1. Firstly, Go to Masters > Passwords & Powers > Operator's.

2. A 'Password & Authority' window will appear.

3. Select the user to make the desired changes

4. A 'Powers' window will appear in which the user will select ‘Masters/Rate & Discount’.

5. Click on ‘Accept’.

6. A 'Masters/Rate & Discount' window will appear. In 'Rate/Discount Masters' option, the user will select 'Y'.

7. The user will now press 'ESC' key.

8. Again press 'ESC' key and then click onYesto save the changes.

9. A 'Powers Change' POP-UP will appear in which the user will press 'ESC' key.

10. Again Press 'ESC' key and then click on ‘Yes’.

11. Now in order to Re- login, the user will press 'Ctrl + U' key on the main screen of the software

12. A 'Change User' window will appear in which the user will enter the User ID and Password.

13. A 'Change User' window will appear in which the user will press 'ESC' Key.

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