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How to view ABC Analysis Report in Marg Software ?



Process to View ABC Analysis in Marg ERP Software

Overview of ABC Analysis in Marg ERP Software

Process of ABC Analysis in Marg ERP Software


ABC Analysis enables the user to filter and analyse stock on the basis of different conditions.

Suppose, the user can view the stock which is available and has its rate between Rs.100 to Rs.500 or which has not been sold from a particular date etc.


Firstly, Go to Daily Reports >> ABC Analysis. Press Enter.

Fig 1.1 Menu view to ABC Analysis in Marg ERP Software

An ABC Analysis window will appear.

In ‘ABC Analysis INDEX ON’select the index on the basis of which the user wants to analyse the items.

Suppose, select ‘Rate’. Press Enter.

Fig 1.2 View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘Alphabet From’ if the user wants to view the items from a particular alphabet then the user can select the alphabets range.

Suppose, select “B-D”. Press Enter.

Fig 1.3 View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘ABC Analysis onRate’ the user will select the rate on which to analyse the items.

Suppose, select ‘A-Rate’. Press Enter.

Fig 1.4 View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

Now the user can also mention the condition that how the rate should be displayed.

Suppose, the user mentions that the items above or equal the rate of Rs.100 and below or equal the rate of Rs.800 should be analysed.

Fig 1.5View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘ABC Analysis on Value’ the user will select how to analyse on the basis of value.

Suppose, select ‘Cost’. Press Enter.

Fig 1.6View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

The user can again mention the condition for value, if required.

Fig 1.7View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘Not Sold/ Issued After’to view that which items have not been sold from or have not been issued from a particular date then the user can mention the date here.

Fig 1.8View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

However, if the user does not mention any date here then the software will automatically mention the last date of the financial year.

Fig 1.9View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘All/Available’ the user will select whether to view all items or available items.

Suppose, select ‘Available’. Press Enter.

 Fig 1.10View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘Sale/Purc. Tax Mismatch’ the user will select whether or not to view the items ofSale/Purc. Tax Mismatch.

Suppose, select ‘No’. Press Enter.

Fig 1.11View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘Sales Qty & Value’ the user will select whether or not to view Sales Qty & Value.

Suppose, select ‘Yes’. Press Enter.

 Fig 1.12View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

 Fig 1.12View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘Purchase Qty & Value’ the user will select whether or not to view Purchase Qty & Value.

Suppose, select ‘Yes’. Press Enter.

 Fig 1.13View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘Date From’ and ‘Date To’ the user will select the date range to view the ABC Analysis report.

Suppose, select ’01-04-18’ and ’31-03-19’. Press Enter.

 Fig 1.14View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

In ‘Closing Stock on’ the user will select whether to view the closing stock on Cost, Extra+ Cost, M.R.P etc.

Suppose, select ‘Cost’. Press Enter.

 Fig 1.15View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

The user will now press Space bar to select the store.

Fig 1.16View of ABC Analysis window in Marg ERP Software

A Store List window will appear.

The user will select the store. Suppose, select ‘Store A’. Press Enter.

Fig 1.17 View of Store List window in Marg ERP Software

A Company window will appear.

Suppose, press Asterisk key (* key) to select all the companies.

Fig 1.18 View of Select Company window in Marg ERP Software

 Fig 1.19 View of Select Company window in Marg ERP Software

The user can view that the ABC Analysis Report is generated on the basis of the conditions set.

Fig 1.20 View of ABC Analysis report in Marg ERP Software

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