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How to set Budget for a particular Account Group in Marg ERP Software ?



A budget can be defined as the plan set by the firm for the flow of funds running in a particular organization. Budget can be altered according to policies and procedures of the firm and is divided among accounts and budget control groups.

In order to set Account Group wise Budget, the user will follow the below steps:

  • Go to Masters > Account Group > Budget.

  • Select the Group for which the budget needs to be set.
  • Suppose select 'Sundry Creditors' and press 'Enter' key.

  • Now, the user will specify the Group wise budget amount for each month.
  • Suppose mention '5000' for Sep month and the user will press 'Enter' key.

  • Press 'ESC' key to exit from this window.

After following the above steps, the user can set Budget for a particular group in Marg ERP Software.

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