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How to view Adjusted Credit Note Report with the bill number in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Reports > Accounts Reports > Bill Adjustment > All Bill.

  • An 'Adjustment' window will appear.
  • Enter date range and select other filters as per the requirement.
  • Then in 'Adjustment For' option, the user will select 'Credit Note'.

  • Then click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement.
  • Suppose click on 'View'.

After following the above steps, the adjusted credit note report will get generated.

Note:- Adjusted bill number will show in the column of Narration.


1. Go to Transactions > Sale > Modify Bill.

2. A 'Modify' window will appear. Select 'All Time' by drop down and in 'Filter' set 'C/N Adjusted' and press 'Pagedown' key.

3. A Sale report of adjusted bills will appear. Press 'Alt+P' key.

4. A 'Report Filtration' window will appear. In 'Report/Invoice' set 'Report'. Feed date range. 

5. Then click on 'View/Print' as per the requirement.

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