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How to view All Accounting Records in Marg Software ?



Overview of All Accounting Records in Marg Software

Process of All Accounting Records in Marg Software


  • In Marg Software, with the provision of All Accounting Records the user can filter and view accounts related all the entries and transactions like sales, sales return, purchase, purchase return, receipt, payment, price difference etc.


  • Go to Daily Reports > All Accounting Records.

  • An 'All Accounts' window will appear.

a. Report Date: Enter the dates from which date till which date the user needs to view the report.

b. Operator: If the user needs to view Purchase Book operator wise, then select the operator.

c. 1 Line Gap: Select whether to include 1 line gap after the completion of one data or not.

d. Format: Select the format in which type report needs to be view.

e. Club Cash Sale: Select whether to club cash purchase as Yes, No or WoP as per the requirement.

f. M.R.: Select whether to include M.R. or not.

g. A/c Remark: Select whether to include the A/c Remark or not.

h. A/c Index: Select whether to include the A/c Index or not.

i. % wise tax: Select whether to view the report on % wise tax or not

j. Sales: The user will select whether to include the sales by ‘Separate both’, ‘Separate Cash’, ‘separate Cr’, or ‘merge Both’.

k. Sales Return: Select whether to include Sales Return or not.

l. Separate: Select whether to separate Cash and Cr.

m. S/R Brk/Exp: Select whether to include S/R Brk/Exp or not.

n. Purchase: Select whether to include Purchase or not.

o. Purc. Return: Select whether to include Purc. Return or not.

p. P/R Brk/Exp: Select whether to include P/R Brk/Exp or not.

q. Replacement- Iss.: Select whether to include Replacement- Iss. or not.

r. Replacement- Rec: Select whether to include Replacement- Rec or not.

s. Price Diff. - Cr: Select whether to include Price Diff-Cr. or not.

t. Price Diff.-Dr.: Select whether to include Price Diff.-Dr. or not.

u. A/c Receipt: Select the accounting receipt like Journal Both, Collection cash etc.

v. A/c Payment: Select whether to include A/c Payment or not.

w. A/c Journal: Select whether to include A/c Journal or not.

x. A/c Contra: Select whether to include A/c Contra or not.

y. A/c Sales: Select whether to include A/c Sales or not.

z. A/c Purchase: Select whether to include A/c Purchase or not.

a1. A/c Debit Note: Select whether to include A/c Debit Note or not.

b1. A/c Credit Note: Select whether to include A/c Credit Note or not.

The user will now click on ‘View’.

After following the above steps, the user can view All Accounting Records Report will get generate in Marg Software.

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