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If Stock Valuation Update window does not appear at the time of Opening Balance Sheet then how to resolve it in Marg Software?



Cause: This issue appears due to Twice Stock In Hand Ledger created in the Software.

If Stock Valuation Update window does not appear at the time of Opening Balance Sheet then this issue can be easily resolve in Marg Software.

In order to resolve this issue, the user needs to delete the one stock in hand ledger. To know the process the user needs to follow below steps:-

  • Go to Final Reports >> Profit & Loss.

  • A 'Profit & Loss A.C Upto' window will appear.
  • Now press 'Enter' key on 'Closing Stock'.

  • A 'Profit & Loss A/C' window will appear. 
  • Now the user needs to check how many ledgers are created of Stock in hand. If duplicate ledger found then user will delete the extra ledger.

  • In order to delete Duplicate Stock in Hand Ledger, Go to Masters > Ledger master > Ledger > Delete Ledger.

  • A 'Ledger Alteration' window will appear.
  • Then the user will select 'Stock In Hand' ledger and Press 'Delete' key.

  • A 'Delete Ledger' window will appear.
  • User will click on 'Delete'.

  • A 'Be Careful !' window will appear. 
  • The user will select 'Yes'.

After following the above steps, the 'Stock Valuation Update' window will appear at the time of opening Balance Sheet.


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