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How to print Item wise Barcode in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Daily Reports > Inventory Reports > Barcode Printing > Selected Item.

  • An 'Items' window will appear.
  • The user will select the items whose barcode needs to be print. Press 'Enter' key.

Note: The user will Press Plus '+' key to select a particular item or Press Asterisk '*' to select All items.

  • In next window, the user select 'Barcode'.

A 'Barcode Printing' window will appear.

a. Format: Select the Barcode Format NameSuppose select 'AB'.

b. Show Only: Select the option as per the requirement.

1. All: If the user needs to print the Barcode for all Item weather it have the stock or not.

2. Printable: Select option if the user needs to print only of those item whose stock available.

c. Print From Label: Mention the Label No. from which Barcode needs to be print.

d. Date < SL_CURDAT >: Select the option to set date format in Barcode Print

e. Remark < SB_GENREM >Select Mention the remark which needs to show in Barcode Print

Now, the user will press 'Enter' key

  • In 'Show Only' , the user will select 'All' and then press 'pagedown' key.

  • Then, again a 'Barcode Printing' window will appear.
  • In 'Print' field, the user will press 'Enter' key to mention the number of barcode user needs to be print.
  • Now the user will press 'Alt+P' key.

  • The user will select 'Print' in order to print the barcode.

After following the above steps, the user can print Item wise Barcode in Marg software.

1. Go to Masters > Inventory Master > Item Master.

2. An 'Items' window will appear in which user press plus (+) key on particular item.

3. In next window user select 'Barcode'.

4. Then, a 'Barcode printing' window will appear. In 'Format' field, select 'Barcode Format' from the drop down as per the requirement.

5. In 'Show Only' field, the user will select 'All' and then press 'Pagedown' key.

6. Then, again a 'Barcode Printing' window will appear. In 'Print' field, enter the number of barcode user needs to be printed.

7. Now, press 'Alt+P' key and click on 'Print' in order to print barcode.

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