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How to enable MRP Column in Purchase Bill in Marg Software?


  • Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Search in all’. 

  • A 'Controls' window will appear in which the user will Search 'Display'.
  • Now click on ‘Accept’.


  • A 'Display' window will appear.
  • In 'Display in Billed Item' option, the user will select 'M'.

  • The user will now press 'ESC' key twice.

  • Now click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

After following the above steps, the MRP column will get enabled in Purchase Bill window.


If still MRP Column not show in Purchase Bill, then the user needs to check if Double Discount in enabled for Purchase Bill.

If double discount is enabled, the user need to Disable Double Discount.

In order to disable Double Discount, the user needs to follow the below steps:

1. Go to Masters > Marg Setups > Control Room.

2. A 'Control Room' window will appear. The user will select ‘Search in All’.

3. A 'Controls' windows will appear in which the user will Search 'Double Discount'.

4. Click on ‘Accept’.

5. A 'Double Discount' window will appear.

6. In ‘Item wise Double Discount Y-Both/P-Purc/S-Sale/B-Brk/Exp’ option, the user will  select 'N'.  

7. The user will now press 'ESC' key twice > Click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

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