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Home > Margerp > Batch > If At the time of billing item have not Discount,Vat,Surcharge or Excise then rate show as Net Rate, or some Item Company wise Discount not applicable and show Net Rate Sign and not put Discount manually ?

If At the time of billing item have not Discount,Vat,Surcharge or Excise then rate show as Net Rate, or some Item Company wise Discount not applicable and show Net Rate Sign and not put Discount manually ?



Go to Master > Margsetup > Control Room > Search in all > Search---"convert into"> There is option convert into net(n) t-dis/vat/sc/exi=0  y-dis/sc/exi=0  s-vat/sc=0"

t - convert rate into net rate if dis/vat/sc/exi all is 0
y - convert rate into net rate if dis/sc and excise is 0
s - vat and sc is 0 then convert rate into net rate.

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