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How to Generate Sale Rate on the Basis of Purchase Rate in Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP Software there is option for 'Generation of Rates' which is used to Generate Sale Rate on the basis of Purchase RateMRPand Cost …..Etc.

If Customer needs to Generate Rate –A on the basis of purchase rate . For Example, customer Purchase an item of Rs 10 and User want to generate its Sale rate with the selected Margin then user can generate by following the given steps:

  • Firstly, Go to Masters >> Marg Setups >> Control Room.

  • A 'Control Room' window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Search in all’.

  • A 'Controls' window will appear in which the user will Search 'Generate Rate'.
  • Now click on ‘Accept’.

  • A 'Generate Rate' window will appear.
  • In 'Generate Rates on Y-P.Rate A-Rate M-MRP C-Cost O-Own Select N-Nooption, the user will select 'Y'.
  • In 'Always-Y / At the time of Purchase-Poption, the user will select 'Y/P'as per requirement.
  • Y- The software will generate always rate on this.
  • P- The software will generate at the time of purchase.
  • Suppose user select 'P' for at the time of purchase.

  • In 'Calculate on Rate 1-Selected 2-Other A-Rate 3-Reducingoption, the user will select '1'.
  • In 'Rate-A=(P.Rate/RateA/Cost)+% or MRP-%' option, the user will mention the % which needs be added in the cost.
  • Suppose mention '10'.

  • The user will now press 'ESC' key twice.

  • Now click on ‘Yes’ to save the changes.

  • A 'Re-Generate Rates on P. Rate Bases' ,the user will type 'Change My Rates'.

After following the above steps, Whenever the user purchases the goods at the new rate, the software will automatically generate the sale rate based on the purchase rate

  • Suppose user has purchase an item of Rs. 100 , the Software will add margin 10% and generate sale rate -110.

  • Now the user can view the Rate-A of the item will get generated i.e. 100+10%= 110.

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