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Item not load at the time of stock issue ?



Item Not Load At The Time of Stock Issue

Overview : With the help of Marg Software, the user can maintain their stock according to Batch, MRP, Reference, Size, Tag, etc. There are many parameters that help a user to maintain stock details easily. In tag/label wise stock, user can maintain stock by selecting all batch/tag at the time of billing or one by one.

 If a user select the option of All batch/tag option, then below shown window will appear. After selecting item in stock issue bill below shown window will appear. Without selecting any Tag/Batch the user will not able to load the item in bill.

As per the need of a customer, an option is being provided to select the Batches/Tag one by one in bill. Let’s see the process of same in Marg:

Firstly, Go to Masters >> Marg Setups >> Control Room. Press Enter.

Control Room window will appear.

 The user will select ‘Search in All’. Press Enter.

Controls window will appear in which the will Search “One by One”.

 Now click on ‘Accept’.

The first option shown on the screen “All/One-By-One Batch Selection on Issue”. Here, select “O” from the drop down list.

Then press esc key to exit from that window.

Again, press esc key from the list of control room options.

  Click on the option of “Yes” to save changes .


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