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How to add,less,multiply and divide any two or more commands each other in bill format?



In bill format we can add less multiply and divide two or more command each other for that
We need to understand that we only add less only two or more numerical command. Like 
Rate command, qty command etc. But we cant add rate command with item name command.
So we understand with the help of example
Rate command  =  <SB_RATE,8,2>  =100 RS
Tax command   = <SB_TAX,8,2>    = 5 RS
Qty command  =  <SB_QTY,8,2>    = 10QTY

For adding we do
<SB_RATE+SB_TAX,8,2>   = 100+5 = 105RS
For Substract we do
<SB_RATE-SB_TAX,8,2>   = 100-5 = 95RS
For Multiply we do
<SB_RATE*SB_QTY,8,2>   = 100*10 = 1000
For divide we do
<SB_RATE/SB_QTY,8,2>   = 100/5 = 20

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