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How we can modify party details on bill tagging window in Marg Software ?



In Marg Software user can  modify party details on Bill Tagging window. To apply the same user needs to follow below steps:

  • On bill tagging window user will press 'F11key on selected party entry i.e. which party details user wants to modify.
  • Suppose user Press 'F11' on 'Ahuja Medicine Centre' transaction.

  •  Selected 'Party Detail' window will appear .
  • Then the user will click on 'Ledger Detail' under detail window.

  • A 'Modify Ledger' window will appear.
  • Click on 'Modify' option and make the changes as per the requirement.

  • Suppose user needs to change Address.
  • Press 'Ctrl+Wfor save.

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