Home > Margerp > Billing > How to Create Set of Item ( Bundle ) in Marg ERP Software ?
Overview of Set of Item Bundle In Marg ERP Software
Process to Create Set of Item Bundle in Marg ERP Software
Process to Load Set of Item Bundle in Marg ERP Software
Overview of Set of Item Bundle In Marg ERP Software
Process To Create Set Of Item Bundle In Marg ERP Software
The user will Select the other options as per the requirement.
a. Item Set No.: The user will define the 'Set No.' of the item as per the requirement.
b. Formula For: The user will enter for ‘how many days’ this set to be issued to the customer.
c. Type: Select whether this Set of Bundle is being created on a ‘Temporary’ basis or on ‘Permanent’ basis.
d. Set Name: Define the 'Name of the set' as per the requirement.
e. Used For: The user needs to mention the 'Uses' for which the set of bundle needs to be used.
f. Party All/Sel: The user needs to select whether the set of bundle will be used for any 'selected party or for all parties'.
g. Party Name: This field will only be highlighted when the user has selected ‘Selected Party’ in ‘Party All/ Sell’.
Press 'Enter' key.
Thereafter, the user can view the created bundle and can load the bundle into the bill.
Process To Load Set Of Item Bundle In Marg ERP Software
Suppose, the cost for the bundle is Rs 2000, however the bundle contains 6 units of each tablet. But the customer has only RS 1000 so that software will automatically convert the bundle according to the Rs 1000 and will issue 3 tablets of each product to the customer.
After following the above steps, the user can load Set of Item Bundle in Marg ERP Software.