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How to view Costing Report of BOM in Marg Software ?



With the help of the 'Costing' report of Marg  Software, the user can easily get the information about the costing of each product (used to produce final product) also of final product. Which can be used to determine the costing and will forecast about the strategies that help you to reduce the cost of production and increase the profit of the same.

  • Go to Transactions > BOM > Costing. Press Enter.

  • An Items window will appear.
  • Select the item (For which the costing needs to be viewed).Press Enter.

  • Now click on View/Print/Excel as per the requirement.
  • Suppose, select 'View'.

Thereafter you will get information about the cost of the final product along with each product (used to produce final product), that is being producing with the help of the BOM process.

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