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How to Create Manufacturing Formula for BOM ( Bill of Material ) in Marg Software ?


  • Go to Transactions > Bills of Material (BOM) > Manufacturing Formula.

  • An 'Items' window will appear.
  • The user will select a final product that needs to be created.
  • Suppose in our case we are going to manufacture a Computer so we’ve selected ‘Computer’ as the final product.

  • A 'Manufacturing Formula' window will appear which defines the ‘Quantity’ for which the manufacturing formula is being generated.
  • Suppose we are generating a manufacturing formula for ‘1’ PCS of the computer.

  • Again an ‘Item’ window will appear.
  • Now the user will select the Sub Item (with which the final item will be created).
  • Suppose we need CPU, Monitor, Keyboard etc to create a ‘Computer’ so select the Sub-items one by one.
  • Suppose first select 'CPU'.

  • Now mention How much quantity of the sub item is needed to assemble final product’. 
  • Suppose '1' CPU to manufacture a Computer. So mention '1'.

  • Now the user will mention the cost of the sub-item.
  • Suppose mention '1000'.

  • Similarly, mention all the Sub-items needed to generate a final product.
  • Press 'ESC' key to save the formula.

  • Now again press 'ESC' key to exit.

After following the above steps, the user can create Manufacturing Formula for BOM ( Bill of Material ) in Marg Software.

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