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How to create Brk / Exp Issue entry without Tax in Marg Software ?



How to Create Brk/Exp Issue Without Tax in Marg ERP Software

Brk/exp is that goods which are damaged or has got expired after a period. In software, the user can issue that stock with or without tax. Please follow the below steps for same:

First of all, Go to Transactions > Brk/Exp Issue > Issue

Then Now mention date on which date the user needs to issue Brk/Exp Stock

Select the ledger to whom stock will get issued. 

Then, select the tax option like if the user doesn’t want to charge tax on this Brk/Exp invoice then select no in this option and press enter. 

In next window, the user will select the invoice detail whose return is being generated. After mentioning the bill number, all other bill details will appear automatically.

If the user needs to select item manually then there is no need to mention any invoice number in this window.

Here, the user will press enter to select the item (if invoice number not mentioned) which needs to be returned. If the user has mentioned the Bill number in previous window, then a window will appear to select the items to return from that particular bill. The user will select item by “Tab Key”. 

In next popup window, select the item to return in Brk/Exp Invoice from the list of items. 

Then mention the qty which needs to be issued. Like, the user has 100 qty of Becosules Syrup and only 15 gets expired then here the user needs to mention 15 to return/issue.

After mentioning all issued items, press Ctrl + W key to save the invoice. 

This popup screen will appear to save the invoice. Click on Save button. 



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