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How to Load Default Cheque Format in Marg Software ?



1. Go to MastersMarg SetupSelf format > Press Enter.

2. A Self format dialog box will appear. Enter the current date in reverse format.

Suppose, the current date is 11-04-2020 then the user will enter ‘2020411’Press Enter.

3. Select Cheque Format.

4. A Format setup window will appear. In 'Format Name' field, the user will enter name of the format according to the requirement and then press Enter key.

5. Then an alert window of 'Not found! want to create' will appear in which user will click on 'Yes' to create format.

6. Now select format type i.e. DMP, GUI Portrait, GUI Landscape and press enter on it.

7. Then press Esc key to exit.

After following the above steps, the default format for cheque will be created.

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