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How to Import Item Master from excel in Marg software ?



Overview/Introduction to Import Inventory in Marg ERP Software

Steps to Create Method to Import Inventory

Steps to import Inventory from Excel


  • With the help of Marg ERP 9+ Software, the user can import multiple items through excel at a single point of time.
  • This option helps the user to import multiple data at one point of time by using an excel method only.
  • This saves the time of the customer as there is no needs to create each and every separate item in the software.
  • The user can also import the different details of an item along with its HSN Code, Product’s Company Name, Purchase Rate etc.


  • Go to Reports > Management Report > Utilities > Copy > Import Masters from Excel.Press Enter.

  • An Import Master window will appear
  • Click on Item Master Method.

  • An Item Master Method window will appear.
  • Now the user will click on Method.

  • An Item Master Method window will appear.
  • In the Name field, the user will enter the name for this method.
  • Suppose, enter ‘AB’.

  • An alert window will appear ‘Not found. Want to create’, the user will click on ‘Yes’.

  • Then, the user can give the description for this method. 
  • Suppose, enter Item Master.

  • In 'File identifier' field, the software will automatically pick the name of that file which was previously imported in the software.

  • In the excel sheet, the user can view that the data which needs to be imported starts from line 2.

  • So, in ‘Data from line’, the user will enter ‘2’.

  • In 'Default Company', the user will select Yes/No as per the requirement.
  • Suppose, select 'No'.

  • An Import Method window will appear. Press Enter.

  • Font Variables window will appear.
  • The user will now search the heading to be imported from the Excel sheet.
  • Suppose, select Company Name.

  • In the excel sheet, the user can view that Company Name is in column A.

  • Then, in Import method window the user will enter ‘A’ in Excel field.

  • Press Enter twice.
  • Again, Font Variables window will appear.
  • The user will search the heading to be imported from the Excel sheet.
  • Suppose, now select Item Name.

  • Then, in Import method window the user will enter ‘B’ in Excel field.

  • Press Enter twice.
  • Similarly, the user will select all the headings to be imported from the Excel sheet.
  • Then press End Key.


  • Go to Reports > Management Reports > Utilities > Copy > Import Master From Excel. Press Enter.

  • An Import Master window will appear.
  • The user will select ‘Item Master Import’. Press Enter

  • A Copy Marg Help From window will appear.
  • The use will select that location in which the excel sheet of the item master has been saved.
  • Then click on ‘Select’.

  • An Item Import window will appear.
  • Then the selected path will get automatically picked by the software in this field. Press Enter.

  • Then in ‘Method’, the user will select the method as per the requirement.
  • Suppose, select AB.
  • In ‘Default Unit’, the user will define the unit name according to the nature of the item, i.e. NOS, PCS, KG etc.
  • Suppose, mention PCS.
  • Click on ‘Accept’.

  • An Importing Items window will appear in which the user can view the data is being imported.

After following the above steps the user can view that the data has been imported properly.


In order to import item master through excel, the user needs to follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Go to Masters > Rate & Discount Master > Price List > New Item Import Method. Press Enter. 

2. An Import Master Window will be appear, then the user will Click on Method .

3. A Method creation window will appear, the user will feed name of method & then click on ‘Yes’ and  In ‘Data from line’---"Mention the data is starting from which line" then press page down key

4. Select command for method & create method as per the requirement.

5. After following above steps, user has to press backspace key

6. In next window, click on Import method then a File selection window will be appear. 

7. Select the excel file (which needs to imported) and then click on Method import then File path will be appear

8. Then press enter to import ledger master.


1. Go to Masters > Ease of GST Import Item/Party MasterPress Enter.

2. Marg Import Utility window will appear. In 'Master Type' field, the user will select "Item Master".

3. Then click on Browse and select the excel file which the user wants to import and then click on ‘Select’.

4. A window with an alert of 'Wish to map columns from fresh?' will appear in which the user will click on "Yes".

5. Now, the user will click on Column and select the column from the drop down i.e. in which column the selected field has been entered in excel.

6. After mapping all the fields, the user will click on Import tab to import the item list from the excel.

7. Then click on 'Save' to save the changes

After following the above steps, the item list will get imported properly.

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