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How to split Dispatch summary Report in Marg Software ?



In Marg ERP Software, the user can easily split the Dispatch summary report according to their requirement i.e. company wise,unit wise,store wise, store wise etc

In order to split dispatch summary report, the user will follow the below steps:

1. Go to Daily Reports > Daily Working > Dispatch Summary. Press Enter.

2. A Dispatch summary window will appear. In 'Date From & Upto', enter from which date to which date the user wants to view the Dispatch summary.

3. In 'Split summary on', the user will select on which basis the user wants to split dispatch summary report. Suppose, Select "Company".

4. Now, in 'Bill No', the user will select "Summary".

5. Then click on Accept.

6. Then, again a dispatch summary window will appear in which the user will press space bar to select a single bill or press (*) key to select all bills then press 'F6' on it.

7. Thereafter, a Reports window will appear. Click on 'Dispatch Summary'.

8. Click on 'Print'.

9. A Printer port window will appear in which the user will select printer port according to the requirement then click on Okay to print.

After following the above steps, the company wise dispatch summary will be printed separately.

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